Anika Camelle

(On-Ick-Ka   Ka-Mill)

I’m a Part Time Christian, working on becoming Full Time but I like to cuss A LOT, so it’s a process!

Born, raised and still currently residing in Austin Texas!

Anika Camelle’ is a LifeStyle Blog

I wanted to create a space where I (WE) can talk like Best Bitches  (see I’m already cussing lol) Girlfriends, HomeGirls, Sisters, Friends and not feel judged or uncomfortable!

I’m a Daughter, Sister, Angel Baby Mommy, Auntie, Friend, and sort of a Shopaholic… and together She is ME and I’m just trying to walk in my purpose, FINALLY!

I just hope in the mist of me talking shit, you find a little bit of inspiration to TRULY WALK In YOUR PURPOSE TOO!!

XO Bitches,
