I had MY LIFE all planned out as a Little Girl, Graduate College, Get Married, Buy A House, Have A Baby or Two and Live Happily Ever After, Fairy Tale Type S***!! But at the Sweet age of 14 MY LIFE turned into a LifeTime Movie, one that A LOT of YOUNG INNOCENT BLACK GIRLS who are now STRONG BLACK WOMEN can RELATE TO! 20 Years Later and I’m FINALLY willing to ADMIT that I’ve ALLOWED that S*** Consume, Bend, and damn near let it RUIN ME a Few Times!


HAPPY Belated 34th DIVA DAY to ME Right?!?

17 Days Later, did you know biblically the #17 means having a Better INSIGHT, STRENGTH, Holding YourSelf Accountable, RESONSIBILITY, SELF-DISCIPLINE, COMPASSION, SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, WISDOM, and a TRUE DESIRE for PEACE and LOVE!

I can definitely say that’s the MIND SPACE I’m IN as well as ENERGY LEVEL I’m ON RIGHT NOW! But I can’t LIE, so at 1st I was SAD because I felt as if I hadn’t accomplished much, No Degree but I’m VERY EDUCATED and Successful Working while Walking In MY PASSION & PURPOSE!!

Not too many people can say that they have a PHD in LIVING LIFE while being completely broken and still trying to Help Fix “The Broken Ones” I Love around Me too! You know MOST people couldn’t do that and I’ve made this s*** look DAMN EASY!! No Babies (YET) but I have a Sleeping Angel in Heaven. No Husband, but you know what I’ll SAVE that story for Another Day & Another Blog!! No House but I’ve been fixing My Credit for the past year and that “700+” looking REAL NICE DAWG!!

Listen I could go on and on, while complaining about how MY LIFE didn’t go HOW I planned it, but TRUTH IS it wasn’t suppose too. Simply put I ANIKACAMELLE WASN’T READY for what I was PRAYING and ASKING GOD for!!

I went through HELL and BACK praying I could see a better Tomorrow, which is now MY TODAY!

I know I Cuss and Definitely Fuss, but PRAYER CHANGES THINGS

I asked for FORGIVENESS, HE FORGAVE ME, while helping ME FORGIVE

I asked for PEACE, He REMOVED some Folks, I asked for a Husband; He gave ME My Very OWN Version of  HIS Proto Type, hell I’m STILL trying to make the Best Right Decision… I Prayed for A PURPOSE, He Gave ME A PASSION, I asked for Understanding, He Gave Me PATIENCE, I asked for FAITH, He CARRIED ME.

You see WE HAVE NOT because WE ASK NOT, and sometimes FAVOR Ain’t FAIR!!!

34 YEARS and I’m Thankful that I DON’T Look Like what I’ve Been Through

34 Years and I’m BLESSED to SEE IT

34 Years and It’s FINALLY Making Sense

34 Years and I’m WALKING In MY PURPOSE



34 Years and I STILL GOT SOME S*** TO SAY!!

Again I say…



XOXO AnikaCamelle


Side Note: I didn’t post on My actual Diva Day because My Family & Friends that celebrated with ME the NIGHT before spiked My Drink(s) and I was HUNG OVA!!!! Ok maybe they didn’t but I have to place the blame somewhere and why not blame them!!! Besides if I can’t laugh at MySelf, what’s the FUN in that?!?!

Thanks for Reading B*****!!